

Some people told me not to see this but I wanted to see for myself...it's not like I was about to miss a movie w/ brad in it anyways right? Anyways...this is a total must see...I loved it...I laughed...Cried....but all in all it really put my mind on life back into a good perspective. It really made me think of my babies growing so fast and not helping but to realize that these days will be gone before I know it, and i will soon be an old lady, reminising on the good old days of raising my little family... It also made me debate on whether it would be better to start out old and grow young or keep it as it is...HOneslty I can't decide...

I love this movie because it made me think long after it was over...

All in all I left w/ the thought of "TAKE ABSOLUTLEY NOTING FOR GRANTED!"

(even those days where both of my babies are screaming....my house is a total disaster w/ toys scattered everywhere...or the days i just wake up thinking ...oh boy another day....:)

1 comment:

Sarah Jean said...

I've been debating about whether I wanted to see this or not. I guess I'll have to give it a try.