

so...im having a meltdown...
and i don't know why i'm blogging about it.
i don't mean to sound whiny.
it's not like anyone will read this anyway right.
i've always been one to hold everything in.
until in combusts.
dont mind the punctuation.
and why this meltdown you ask.
maybe its that time of the month.
maybe it's not.
maybe it my husband consistantly being gone for 15+ hours.
maybe it's family issues.
or simply me being sorry for myself.
or just the mommy blues.
do i miss my mom.
or do i just simply need a getaway.
by myself.
for 1 week.
2 weeks.
thats not it.
could it be the michael jackson farewell i just watched.
it could.
but mmmmm. no.
it's more.
much more.
don't judge that i watched that.
i liked that man.
one thing is for sure.
tomorrow i will be refreshed.
refreshed from.


Sarah Jean said...

You can come and visit the Streators in Smithfield - you could also save up your money and go see Michelle in New York for a week. I hate when I have meltdowns. Wish I had words to help.

Katie G. said...

Everyone needs a good melt down every once in a while. It keeps us healthy! Hope your day is better!

Jared & Kayleen said...

Me TOO!!! Let's plan a mommy day. Just the girls no kids. We could go to park city and shop or go to a spa or something. I know i need one because the melt downs are getting closer and closer together.